2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Diamante Poems-

Hard, challenging
Studying, debating,  writing
Leadership,  EOP,  family,  food
Sleeping, reading, relaxing
Comfortable, easy

I chose to write about GLPS because that's where I am now. As I want to apply for KMLA when I'm older, life in GLPS is a good experience for me.  Of course, what we are doing is not exactly easy; that's why I chose the word 'hard.'  But then, it's challenging. As GLPS stand for the Global Leadership Program for Students, I'm pretty sure that this kind of experience will help a lot being a global leader. I like the English-Only-Policy, my English skills have improved since January 2nd.   I was wondering what would be the exact opposite of GLPS. Then, I thought of home. It's comfortable, and I can relax there. I could have spent my vacation reading my favourite books and sleeping all day. Though I don't regret coming here; I think it's way better to spent my time in KMLA than home.

1/3 of the camp is over, and I'm trying hard to make the most of it :)

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