2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Life at GLPS- Jan, 12.2010


This is actually my 10th day.
I have done quite a few debates, and presentations- well, I have a presentation tomorrow, kinda nervous but excited. So far, I think I have improved ever since I entered this camp. My English skill have improved, and especially when in debating!!!!!!!!  The ones I did here, they were one of my very first debates! I did four until now- Prime minister once, Whip 2-3 times. Well, I liked being a Prime Minister because it's the easiest position in a debate, but then I prefer being a whip. Like, I have to do everything spotaneously. It's hard, but it's really challenging for me. So I think I'll improve a lot.

Hitory - GREAT. Well, It's a little bit hard, but then again, I like giving presentations and I think this will be a great opportunity for me to practice speaking infront of a lot people. I have a presentation due tomorrow, about the Sirens(- in the Odyssey). I have prepared for it a lot, and I hope that I get a good result.

MATHMATICS- MY FAVOURITE! or at least, One of my favourites. I really like puzzles, and I really like complicated stuff, too. Our math teacher(은빛) is really fast, but then I have no problems with understanding what he's saying. Oh yeah, he started talking in English in classes,too. He goes to Yeonsae University, he's really good at English, but his voice seemed to fade when he was talking to us- I wasn't even sure if he was talking to us or not!! He only talked to the whiteboard!! Anyway, I like his classes, so doesn't really matter.

I like my classmates, they're all nice and fun. I think we kind of talk very comfortably at each other(though our class PA doesn't think so:-) ) I think we'll get really friendly-even though we are now- later on.

I have a lot to say about my 10 days here.

But overall, I think it's really fun being here, and I hope to enjoy the rest my life in KMLA.


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