2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Viral Video- 'Numa Numa'

This viral video is called "Numa Numa."  It's famous for the "Numa Numa Dance," and made for the song "Dragonstea din tei."  This video was released in 2004 by Gary Brolsma. Actually, it became famous few months after the release, and currently, it has been viewed 15,319,847 times. In the video, Gary Brolsma is wearing headphones and lipsyncing to the music. He's moving his head, shoulders and arms. While doing that, he's sitting at his computer filming himself with a webcam.
I think this is the reason it became famous. It's kind of funny/unexpecting to see a guy in a video dancing and moving about. I think that's why this was listed as No.1 on VH1s Top 40 Internet Superstars. But then, according to the New York Times, Gary Brolsma was an " unwilling and embarrassed Web celebrity"

It was interesting to think about viral videos, and I would like to find more about them in the future.

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