2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Reflective Essay- Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring

In the Film"Spring, Summer, Fall, WInter, Spring," what lesson do you think the teacher is trying to teach his young student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.

             The young monk in the movie tied a stone each to a fish, a frog and a snake just for fun. His teacher saw this, and he tied a large rock to the child. Then, he tells the child that the rock will be removed if he removes the stones from the animals, but if any of them were dead, the child will have to carry the rock in his heart, for the rest of his life. So the child sets off to look for the three animals. First, he finds the fish, floating on the river, dead. Next, he spots the frog, trying hard to get rid of the stone. He unties the stone.Soon enough, he sees the snake, twisted on the ground, blood around its head, motionless. Actually, the child cries at the end, which I believe is because he realized what his teacher was trying to teach him: putting oneself in others' shoes.
             I think this movie is trying to show the audience the importance of thinking in others' perspectives. In other words, the movie is emphasizing that we should all think about how our behaviour can affect others. In the movie, the child tied stones to the tree animals just for fun. And two of them died because of that. I think the movie is trying to say that one little thing for fun can lead to serious consequences. As for me, I had a similar experience. When I was younger, I enjoyed joking around. I suppose that's not bad, but I kind of  made fun of people, too, especially with my classmates. I meant nothing, it was just for fun, but I never realized that I was upsetting people, then.  Though, one boy started to joke around,too. HE started to say some things to me, "just for fun." Then I realized that that was what I had been doing, and that it's not fun from the perspective of the one being harrassed. So I don't do it anymore and I think I had learnt to think about other people before I say or do something.
              This movie meant a lot to me because it reminded me of the experience I just mentioned.I'm sure that this is the message given through the film, and I'd be more than happy to watch the rest of it

댓글 1개:

  1. I really like this essay, and it's structured very well with a good intro. You interpret the film with a lot of clever insight. Excellent blog!
