2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Writing in the 3rd Person Narratives- LOVESTORY in GLPS


um,,, this stroy may not be true, but I'm not sure. It was just shocking for us to see Insun(our class PA) so energetic since Claire came. My class have found out that they get along very well, and it's just astonishing that Insun is smiling all the time and talking all the time since then.

Insun woke up, his ears ringing. It was because of the alarm, but there was something else,too: blood pounding in his ears.
'It's 17th today?'
He got up and quickly got dressed. He skipped breakfast, but he wasn't hungry at all; he just didn't care. He went straight down to Dasanguan(다산관), to see if she was there.
But of course, she wasn't.
'Don't be stupid,' he muttered to himself, ' as if she is going to come to see me.'
He knew he was being stupid, he was just having his hopes high. He sat on the bench and closed his eyes.
' Why am I being so stupid? I didn't expect anything,' said Insun, quietly to himself.

"Hi, Insun!"

Insun looked up. It was Claire.

"Er.. Hi,"he replied.
" Nice to see you! Long time, no see," said Claire, with a little punch in the shoulder.

"Did you have a good journey?" asked Insun, putting his had on Claire's head.
"Well, yeah, but I'm really nervous. I was just wondering if you could help me." replied Claire.
"Sure. What's the problem?"

"It's just that the only person I know the best is you, Insun. ......Wondering if you can just help me cope," said Claire, inserting coins in to coffee machine.

"Sure,,,,,, hey, I want some coffee, too!" said Insun.

" Get one yourself," replied Claire,"See you later, then."

'That wasn't bad, I suppose,' he thought, smiling.


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